Overwhelmed by your research? Turn to Piggydb

Sometimes you can be overwhelmed by the amount and variety of information you uncover when you’re researching a project or a report. Using software to organize your information can help. At first glance, the web application Piggydb seems like a hybrid between a blog and a notebook application like Evernote that allows you to save information. But Piggydb puts its focus on the process of organizing information, which makes it what you might call an idea processor.

Piggydb V4.2 released

This release adds a new view for fragments: “tree“, which is a compact view for the descendant fragments of a selected fragment (to its great grandchildren).

Another new feature of this release is a fragment batch operation that allows users to create a new parent fragment of selected fragments.

1) Select fragments as below

2) Move to the fragment batch page, and you will find a form to create a new parent fragment of the selected fragments.

3) Input a title for new parent fragment and click on the “Create” button.

Piggydb V4.1 released

This release adds a new view for fragments: “multi-column“.

fragment view switch

It shows fragment titles in a multi-column format and allows users to change column width with the slider control.

With the multi-column view, users can view as many fragments as possible on the screen.

The tag menu items (“New Tag”, “Recent Changes”, “Tags”) were integrated together into one menu, “Tag”.