Oinker is now accepting invitation requests!

Happy new year 2015 from Japan! I hope you have a wonderful year, especially in terms of knowledge work 🙂

As this year begins, the newborn service Oinker starts accepting invitation requests.

As you saw in the movie, Oinker is extremely simple. You just chat alone or with your friends and connect the comments (oinks) by dragging and dropping.

That’s all, but its potential is enormous.

I’ve been using it in real business projects with my colleagues for about a year, mainly for ideation, task and knowledge management, and it’s been just amazing. I’ll write the details of these use cases at the Oinker blog.

The best way to feel the potential is to experience it yourself, so if you are interested in trying it out, please email to support@oinker.me

Oinker beta-test is about to start!

Finally, this day has come.

As I wrote in last week’s blog post, I’m going to send invitations of Oinker beta-test to the Piggydb Supporters after this post published.

What is Oinker? Just look at the video below:

If you are interested in trying it out, but not a Piggydb Supporter, please consider to buy the Piggydb Supporters Edition or wait for the next phase of inviting beta testers on request basis, which will start in the first quarter of the next year.

You can also get the updates of the service via Twitter: https://twitter.com/oinker_news

A whole new web service ‘Oinker’ coming soon!

Hi there,

It’s been another break in developing Piggydb for almost a year. It was probably the longest but I believe the most important pause ever in this project.

I’ve been working on a new web service that shares many concepts with Piggydb, and finally, it’s about to enter the phase of inviting beta testers.

I’m going to start with invitations for Piggydb Supporters to join the first group of beta testers.

Stay tuned!
