Piggydb V5.1 – Two-way Relationships

Piggydb V5.1 has been released almost a month after I announced via Twitter that it would be released soon.

This release adds Two-way Relationship Creation and Display.

The “Create a relationship” dialog has been updated to provide you with more options for creating a relationship: the direction of a relationship, one-way or two-way.

The display of fragment relationships has also been updated to support two-way relationships.

In the above display of the previous version, the relationships are displayed respectively as one-way while the new version provides a cleaner display for two-way relationships:

The user-related actions (“Change Password”, “Logout”) in the main menu have been moved to the pull-down menu at the login user name.

The tag cloud has been updated to exclude system tags that start with ‘#’ in order to focus on the concepts derived from user content.