Getting Started

To run Piggydb, you need to have Java Runtime Environment (Version 6(1.6) or later).

Standalone Package (for GUI Environment)

Standalone Package allows you to use Piggydb as if it is a standalone desktop application. This package can run on any OS as long as Java and the system tray are available.
  • The system trayis referred to as:
    • Taskbar Status Area” on Windows
    • Menu Extras” on Mac OS X
    • Notification Area” on Gnome
    • System Tray” on KDE
  1. Download the latest version of Standalone Package (piggydb-standalone-<version>.zip)
  2. Unzip the distribution
  3. Double-click piggydb.exe (Windows) or piggydb-standalone.jar (other operating systems)
    • When the Piggydb server is started up, the Piggydb icon will be displayed in the system tray and the home page will be opened in your default browser automatically.
  4. Login with the owner account (User Name: owner, Password: owner).
    • You should change owner’s password immediately after the first login (Menu [System/Change Password]).
The Piggydb icon is displayed in the system tray while the server is running, and you can control the server with the right-click menu of this icon.

All-in-One Package (for Server Environment)

  1. Download the latest version of All-in-One Package (piggydb-all-in-one-<version>.zip)
  2. Unzip the distribution
  3. Double-click run.bat (Windows), or run (Unix, Linux, Mac OS X)
  4. Start up a browser and go to http://localhost:8080
  5. Login with the owner account (User Name: owner, Password: owner).
    • You should change owner’s password immediately after the first login (Menu [System/Change Password]).

War Package (for Servlet Containers)

If you already have a servlet container, such as Tomcat, then you can download a War Package (*.war).

43 Comments on “Getting Started”

  1. […] More from xpareto john: hemoroizi religie talmud iasomnie Sort Share       3 months […]

  2. Is it possible to run Piggdb on a Chromebook? Because that would rock.

    • I don’t know much about Chromebook. I guess it would not be possible to install Piggydb on it. Probably, you need to install Piggydb on a web server and access it from your Chromebook.

      • peterkloppenburg says:

        That’s my conclusion also. Which is a shame, but that’s Chrome’s shortcoming, not Piggydb’s. By the way, I love this program, it is just exactly what I was looking for to help apply some heuristics I’ve developed but also explore ideas in a free-form way. It is brilliant! Thank you very much for sharing this with the world. Also you blog posts are excellent, very thought-provoking.

      • Thank you! I’m really glad you enjoy it.

  3. peterkloppenburg says:

    Is it possible to run Piggydb on a Chromebook?

  4. Unni Krishnan says:

    Is there a way to import existing notes into Piggydb? I have lots of notes accumulated over the years. I would like to leverage this knowledge base with the capabilities of Piggydb.

    • Currently, it does not support importing data of other format. However, if you know just a bit of scripting, it is not difficult to convert your data into Piggydb’s XML format.

  5. LooksGood says:

    Is this a DB? A DBM or how is data kept for access by the client app? Is there a pictoral somewhere of how the pieces are to be used?

  6. kewapo says:

    I saw in many examples a calendar, but I have downloaded the 6.15 version and I can’t find it!!

  7. SEBBA says:

    How to install it in a dedicated server to be able to access my piggydb from the internet?

  8. Seba says:

    Hello again, and happy birthday! I’m not finding info about these options:



    Maybe you should explain them in please?

  9. Seba says:

    Hi my friend, just to inform you of a little problem I’m having. I treat piggydb as a normal program, leaving it open always in a browser tab. The problem is almost everytime I want to edit or add a note, it tells me that my sesion expired. Is there a workaround to not expire sessions?

    • Did you check the “Remember me” checkbox when you logged in?

      • Seba says:

        Yes, at first I always checked the “Remember me” checkbox, even tested it in Chrome and Firefox, but even with that it seems that after some hours I get logged out. It is something bad with my setup?

      • Seba says:

        I mean, I definitively get logged out after some minutes even when checkbox is marked (tried many times). I always want to have piggydb opened, so it would be great if I can be logged in always. Thanks for your hard work, if you need any help from my services just contact me, in my website are details of what I do.

      • I guess it would be your browser settings to cause the problem. Have you changed the settings related to cookies? And which package do you use? The standalone package?

      • Seba says:

        Okay, now it seems to work in another browser. Thanks! I have some addons in Firefox, I would recommend other users who have this problem to try in a vanilla browser, with addons disabled.

  10. Seba says:

    Another suggestion: we the users think our notes are extremely important and would not want to lose it. Previously I was using Zim Wiki, which saves the notes in .txt format, which is safer, for backup, than a database. In the future you could consider having a backup feature which saves all our notes to .txt or a feature to leave us peaceful about our notes.

    • You think the current export feature is insufficient? An exported file (*.pig) is a zip file which contains your data as text.

      • Seba says:

        Great, I think this is sufficient!

      • Netsaver says:

        what about ‘opening’ a bit the export functionality?
        I agree the zip, agree the separated ‘files’ folder, anyway with a huge database the main xml would be difficult to manage for further processing, presentation, etc.
        Why not to leave all the ‘structure’ in one xml file and move all CDATA values in an other folders, with one file per fragment? The frag ID could replace CDATA in the original xml.
        Anyway (as it is) it’s OK for portability and db syncing.

  11. Will says:


    I am currently experimenting with piggydb and like the look of it. One issue I seem to be having is using links to local folders and files. I would like to use links to point to local folders where documents are stored. I want to avoid uploading files to piggydb as other users may update the contents of these folders with the latest versions and their control is kept outside piggydb.

    Unfortunately, most browsers prevent access to local files/folders for security reasons. Is there a way around this? Is there a way of running piggydb locally not through a browser?

    On another note, I was wondering if there is a plan to allow the user to reorganize the columns? I find it more intuitive to work from left to right so the tag tree on the left, tag details, in the middle and right hand the fragments.


    • > Unfortunately, most browsers prevent access to local files/folders for security reasons. Is there a way around this?

      Yes, they do, and I don’t know any way around this either.

      > I was wondering if there is a plan to allow the user to reorganize the columns? I find it more intuitive to work from left to right so the tag tree on the left, tag details, in the middle and right hand the fragments.

      I have a plan to improve the system structure so that the UI can be customized more easily and freely. So please looking forward to that πŸ˜‰

      • Sergiy says:

        There is actually a way for a Standalone Package if one uses Firefox, I use it to access my ebooks:
        – install LocalLink add-on
        – define a hyperlink to a local file in some fragment in the following format:
        – right-click on the link and open it in a local context

        Hope this helps!

  12. Yoanka says:

    I cannot get in to piggydb after the first time, is there anyway to recover passowrd?

  13. Sebastian says:

    Hi, I need precise instructions on how to install it in a dedicated server. Bear with me, I am not an expert in dedicated servers, altought I know basic stuff for managing Linux. Questions:

    If I use the All In One package, should I open port 8080 after running

    If I ever reboot the server, the Piggydb program will autostart?

    How should I manage security of the server after installing Piggydb, I am not an expert, but I suppose after opening a port I should do something to avoid flagrant insecurity of my server?

    • > If I use the All In One package, should I open port 8080 after running

      When to open the port is not important. You just need to open the port if you want to access your Piggydb from outside the server.

      > If I ever reboot the server, the Piggydb program will autostart?

      No, you need to setup Piggydb as a service. A typical way is to install Tomcat ( ) via rpm or yum, which will install it as a service, and deploy a Piggydb war package to it.

      > How should I manage security of the server after installing Piggydb, I am not an expert, but I suppose after opening a port I should do something to avoid flagrant insecurity of my server?

      Sorry, it’s out of scope of Piggydb and not easy to advise. If you want to install Piggydb to a public server, which anyone can access, you should learn the technical details of server security yourself or use one of the Java application hosting services such as EATJ ( ), to which you can easily install a Piggydb war package.

  14. Sebastian says:

    By the way, I love you, really. Don’t ever kill yourself. The stereotype here is that japanese are prone to suicide due to cultural reasons. I offer you a helping hand if you want to come to live in Argentina.

  15. Sebastian says:

    Hi, I really apreciate your work, I am sorry for trying to be funny with stereotypes. I just felt a deep feeling for you who are doing such a marvelous tool for organizing knowledge. THANKS!

  16. i have downloaded and unzipped PiggyDB, but when I double-click on the .exe file I get a message “An unexpected error occurred. Check the log file for the error.” I do not know where to find the log file.I’m running it on Win 7. Can you help me?

  17. Andrew Robins says:

    Hi Daisuke, similar problem to JL Edwards above: exactly same message to starting piggydb-standalone.jar in Puppy Linux (XenialPup32, java 1.8). Log was found in /root/, from what I can make out, all the files are being called in the root directory, not in the directory that I have for testing piggydb (~Downloads/ Piggydb.log last entry:
    ERROR [2017/02/21 13:35:50] (PiggydbServer) java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The BROWSE action is not supported on the current platform!
    java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: The BROWSE action is not supported on the current platform!
    at java.awt.Desktop.checkActionSupport(
    at java.awt.Desktop.browse(
    at marubinotto.piggydb.standalone.PiggydbServer.launchBrowser(
    at marubinotto.piggydb.standalone.PiggydbServer.launch(
    at marubinotto.piggydb.standalone.PiggydbServer.main(

    • Hi Andrew,

      Could you try the All-in-One Package instead of the Standalone Package?

      • Andrew Robins says:

        Hi Daisuke,
        sorry that my follow-up response hadn’t been received in the hours after my first post – I was able to get PiggyDB running in Puppy Linux (Xenial Pup, 32-bit) after I found my java install was not complete. Once I had java 1.8 fully installed, I had PiggyDB working fine, thank you! Haven’t had much time to experiment with it yet, but I mean to shortly. Cheers πŸ™‚

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