
Piggydb is a flexible and scalable knowledge building platform that supports a heuristic or bottom-up approach to discover new concepts or ideas based on your input. You can begin with using it as a flexible outliner, diary or notebook, and as your database grows, Piggydb helps you to shape or elaborate your own knowledge. Soon, it will become an indispensable knowledge base to your creative work. 😉

With Piggydb, you can create highly structured content by connecting knowledge fragments to each other to build a network structure, which is more flexible and expressive than a tree structure. Fragments can also be classified using hierarchical tags.

Piggydb does not aim to be a remember-everything-type-of-database application. It aims to be a platform that encourages you to organize your knowledge continuously to build a valuable knowledge base, and moreover enrich your creativity.

  • Power and simplicity in the same package
  • No installation needed: Just unzip downloaded archive and run the file
  • For private use, from one person to small groups of people


How Piggydb Works

1. Create knowledge fragments for anything you want to write down: your thoughts, ideas, articles excerpts, TODOs, etc.

2. Organize the fragments with:

Fragment Relationships:


3. Browse your knowledge base in the various views:


  • Piggydb Documents (view-only demo)
  • Sand box(editable demo)
    • You can login with the guest account (guest/guest).
    • The owner-only features are disabled.
    • The database might be cleared without a notice. It’s just a demo.
  • Table Tennis Videos (view-only demo)

44 Comments on “About”

  1. cyphersnap says:

    It seems to be an hopeful application. It may be very useful as daily devloper log. I wonder if it is possible to import an already existing log (word document). Thank you.

    • Hi, thank you for your comment.

      Unfortunately, as of Version 6.0-dev2, it does not have a feature to import other formats than the Piggydb’s formats (*.xml, *.pig) yet. Some users manually convert their existing documents into Piggydb’s XML.

  2. cyphersnap says:

    Hello, it would be great if only all of my pieces of information noted down on my my word/excell document (over one hundred pages) could be imported with ease in order to better organize them by: date, topic, etc. I do think that feature would be your next turning point to spread your appl.

    Thank you.

  3. cyphersnap says:

    Not all of the users are developers; it should be better something more intuitive: wizard, etc. something to let the user to select the “parameters” to use for creating/importing the piggydb!


    • As I’m focusing on the core features, I would expect some capable users to create extensions for optional features and make it public so that you can use them, like the popular applications such as WordPress.

  4. cyphersnap says:

    I suggest you to better promote your application. If you go toward the Joomla! community will find much more developers available than wordpress ready to help you for free if only would be available a Joomla! extension; I mean a software component that will make available piggydb for the Joomla! CMS!

  5. fipnova51 says:

    Just a question, didin’t find on the page any reference to question/support contact (actually I just start using 6.2 standalone but I cannot register anything, Clock is just rounding

  6. fipnova51 says:


    I couldn’t find any question/support contact on the page. I’m just using 6,2 stand-alone version but I can’t register any fragment, clock is just ticking…

  7. Noadver says:

    Hi Daisuke Morita, Piggydb rocks! I want to know how the method of autologin works, because in my installation (I’m using chrome to access) I have to login every time my computer boots, and also after some hours it asks me to login again. I would love if I could simply make Chrome save the password and directly being logged in always (as Gmail for example).

    • Hi Noadver,

      Thank you for your comment.

      Currently, your login session will be expired whenever you shut down the piggydb server even if you’ve checked the “Keep me logged in for a week” checkbox. I understand that it it a little inconvenient for personal users who are not so concerned about the security issues. So I will consider it for future versions. Thanks for your feedback 😉

      Best regards,

      • Sebastian says:

        I don’t care too much about expiration of password when I shutdown the server, BUT, it usually “forgets” the password every some hours, with the server running and all. That is extremely annoying as I want to access this wonderful app without interruptions! It would be nice if I could never have to enter a password if I decide so, and setup a password protection in the preferences.

      • Hi Sebastian,

        Adding such a configuration to bypass the login process seems to be good idea. I will consider it. Thank you for your feedback.

  8. Hi Daisuke,
    Congrats for your OpenSource software, that I discovered there : http://alternativeto.net/software/evernote/?license=opensource

    As I told you in Twitter (http://alternativeto.net/software/evernote/?license=opensource), I can translate in French your PiggyDB documentation (please can you send me the export file), and also help to have a French version of your soft. As I see there would not be too much to translate and that will help you to promote it to the French community. I actually participate to the #ITyPA (http://itypa.mooc.fr/ ; MOOC in French, with a large community of more than 1000 ppl).
    Best regards,

  9. Milan says:


    this piece of software is quite uselful to me … thank you. It should be fine to be able to search substring not just exact match of the searched word. Do you plan to implement this ?


    • Hi Milan,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      I don’t have a plan to implement searching substring because I think it won’t scale (maintain certain performance) when your database grows larger.

  10. Péter Tölgyesi says:

    Hello, I tried piggydb and could not get it to work.
    I can not create fragments, although there is one fragment (my empty home) according to system info.
    The plus icon has no effect, the url under it is displayed as


    I tried the all-in-one and the standalone version, with a current java and firefox in windows 7.
    I set the port to 8280 to avoid clashes.

    Three db files appeared in my home/piggydb folder.
    The contents of piggydb.trace.db:

    01-15 10:43:43 jdbc[3]: SQLException
    org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table “GLOBAL_SETTING” not found; SQL statement:
    select setting_value from global_setting where setting_name = ? [42102-145]

    Any idea about what is wrong? Thank you.


    • Hi Peter, thank you for your detailed report.

      What exactly will happen if you click on the plus icon? An editor dialog won’t show up? And can you reproduce the problem on other browsers such as Chrome?

      • Péter Tölgyesi says:

        Thank you for the reply.
        When I click on the plus icon, nothing happens (the page may be reloaded, I am not sure).
        In Chrome and IE a popup window appears.

        I added an exception for localhost to noscript, adblock and the popup block setting – these could obviously interfere. I see no other setting about blocking popups. Javascript is enabled. Still nothing happens in Firefox after restarting.

        I did not know that a popup window wanted to open – usually an alert bar appears that lets me allow the popup, but there was no such thing here.

        My installed add-ons in Firefox:
        Relevant: Adblock Plus (localhost is whitelisted), Noscript (localhost is whitelisted).
        Other add-ons: Certificate Patrol, Flashblock, Ghostery, JSONView.


  11. Tingo says:

    Hello Daisuke,

    I just installed v10 and starting inputting contents however, since I am not very familiar with J2SE, I cannot change the DB location as my C:/ is going to be full. Is there any easy steps I can take (or add a selection in your new version) so that I can move the DB to D:/ or somewhere else?

    • Hi Tingo,

      Here is the document about the database location:


      • Tingo says:

        Thanks Daisuke!
        Sorry that I am so stupid and still don’t know what should I do.

        The location of the database files or the database name can be changed via the Piggydb settings “piggydb.database.prefix” and “piggydb.database.name”, respectively.

        Buy where are they?

      • Tingo says:

        Thanks Daisuke,

        Sorry that I am so stupid and still don’t know how to change them

        The location of the database files or the database name can be changed via the Piggydb settings “piggydb.database.prefix” and “piggydb.database.name”, respectively.

  12. Tingo says:

    Thanks Daisuke,

    Sorry that I still can’t get it

    The location of the database files or the database name can be changed via the Piggydb settings “piggydb.database.prefix” and “piggydb.database.name”, respectively.

    Where are they and how can I access and change them?

  13. Tingo says:

    Hi Daisuke,

    Is me again…I would like to know is this possible to have multiple users to access the same DB if I place the DB at the share folder

    I want to develop a KB system using PiggyDB as I find this is very powerful

  14. Bill Trimmer says:

    I’ve had an interesting time installing V. 6.14 in Windows 7. Once installed, use of the Windows executable causes an error that renders the program inert. Use the jar file to start the program, instead.

  15. Bill Trimmer says:

    All I got was a window telling me that an error had occurred and the program had failed to open, and that I should check the log file for details. The log file was, for some reason, read-only, and was empty when I opened it. I had to reinstall a clean copy of the program. I didn’t mention this earlier, but I couldn’t bet the program to start at all when I installed it in the \Program Files directory. I’ve had trouble with the executable in both 32 and 64 bit Windows 7. I did have trouble with the reinstall, and had to disable UAC in order to remove the program folder. Win 7 32-bit was also uunhappy with the the level of access piggydb wanted with the web browser.

    • I tried to launch the Piggydb server with the executable placed in C:\Program Files\piggydb-standalone and it was successfully launched (on Windows 7). So it might be the setting of access control to cause the problem.

      What happens if you place the piggydb folder in the user folder like C:\Users\?

  16. daki says:

    Hi, thank you for interesting app.
    I am trying to change database location, but when I change piggydb.database.prefix to be file:~/MY_folder/piggydb it gets overwritten to default and database keeps appearing in home folder.
    Am I doing something wrong? Standalone version.

    • Hi daki,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      How did you change the value of ‘piggydb.database.prefix’? If you use the standalone package, ‘application.properties’ is the file you should edit, and also you need to restart your server to effect the configuration change.

      • daki says:

        Yes I was editing that file.
        At the end I downloaded all in one , merged with standalone and edited run.sh
        Think that this is not the way, but worked for me.
        File you mentioned always gets overwritten when I start pyggydb again.
        I think very useful thing would be some kind of configuration file for all options, or better yet, configuration menu where user can make changes.
        Way it is now, I wanted to change port, and wondered around until have found where to do, it is very hard to figure out.
        WIKI could be better too.
        Nice idea, interesting software, but needs lot of work to be really useful.
        I think to use it for some purpose, to make my own knowledge base with code samples and stuff, will try.

      • > At the end I downloaded all in one , merged with standalone and edited run.sh

        “run.sh” in the all-in-one package configures the settings when it’s executed. That’s why the setting in the “application.properties” gets overwritten.


        As you wrote, it is not the expected way to launch the standalone package, but just editing the “run.sh” to change the settings would solve the problem.

  17. DP says:

    Dear Daisuke,
    I was wondering if there’s any way I can change the language setting of PiggyDB. My browser is in Traditional Chinese, hence the interface of PiggyDB is in Simplified Chinese. However, I’d like to use the English version. Is there any setting file which I can modify to force PiggyDB to display English?

    Thank you very much in advance!

    • Hi,

      Unfortunately, there’s no way to switch the language other than changing your browser’s language setting. I will add a feature to manually change the language in future versions. Thank you for your feedback!

  18. Paule says:

    I would be great, if there would be the possibility to change the font size or the font color in piggydb. I would like to see more possiblities to format my written text. Another problem is that external links are opening in the same tab piggydb is using instead of opening a new one. Nevertheless, piggydb is very good programm. Thank you very much for sharing your work with us.

  19. […] PiggyDB is a somewhat complicated PK. It’s not for me, but it has a community of people who love it. It seems to focus on structure over visualization. […]

  20. literateaspects says:

    Hello, as I understand PiggyDB has an editor to have both a TITLE and a BODY area, but Oinker does not. Please, what is the third column in Oinker for?

  21. Systemtray is not supported on ubuntu (xenial). Is there a workaround for that?

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